Shipping throughout Russia and to other countries

Measuring lines calculate parameters such as the temperature of the coolant, the pressure in the system at this section of the pipeline, and also ensure compliance with all requirements for installing a converter to measure the flow of coolant.

Models: ILV, ILO, ILP.


All Prompribor products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant Prompribor: heat meters, heat meters, ultrasonic flow meters, flow converters, data collection and processing systems, metering units
  • Heat meters Prompribor
    Heat meters
    TS.TMK-H, TSK, STD, Logic, etc.
  • Thermal calculators Prompribor
    Thermal calculators
    TMK H20, H30, H100, H120, etc.
  • Flow converters Prompribor
    Flow converters
    UPU, MasterFlow, etc.
  • Service devices Prompribor
    Service devices
    US-H2, etc.
  • Thermal converters Prompribor
    Thermal converters
    KTPTR, KTSPR, KTP, TPT, etc.
  • Measuring lines Prompribor
    Measuring lines
    type ILP, ILO, ILV, etc.
  • Accounting nodes Prompribor
    Accounting nodes
    UUHVS, UUTEM, etc.
  • Flow meters Prompribor
    Flow meters
    DAC et al.
  • Power sources Prompribor
    Power sources
    BP-12-0.45, BP-24-0.22, etc.
  • Data processing systems Prompribor
    Data processing systems
    AM-02, ALS, etc.
  • Bench equipment Prompribor
    Bench equipment
    Cascade-2P, UFS-02, STREAM-PU , etc .
  • Measuring controllers Prompribor
    Measuring controllers
    KI-2, etc.
  • Connecting fittings Prompribor
    Connecting fittings
    UPU DN 25, MF2/MF10 DN 15, etc.
  • Cabinets of accounting units Prompribor
    Cabinets of accounting units
    SHUU-GW, SHUU-GH, etc.
  • Additional devices Prompribor
    Additional devices
    DB-9M, DR30-24, etc.
  • Devices and devices for data transmission Prompribor
    Devices and devices for data transmission
    iRZ MC52iT, USR-DR301, etc.
  • Pads Prompribor
    VPS DU 20, MF DU 15, etc.
  •  Prompribor
  • Archive Prompribor
    TMK-N2, TMK-N5, etc.

About Prompribor

Prompribor company has been successfully operating in the energy saving market since 1992 and is one of the leading enterprises of the Russian Federation for the production of metering devices for water and thermal energy consumption.

    Measurement of volume flow rates and volumes of drinking, technical, heating water in water and heat supply systems, as well as other electrically conductive liquids in filled pressure pipelines.

    Measurement and registration of the parameters of the heat carrier and heat energy in water heating systems of various configurations.
  • advantages

    Development, installation and maintenance of accounting units. Highly qualified specialists. Warranty and post-warranty service, optimal and reliable solutions that allow you to reduce your costs.

Information Board Prompribor

Learn more about our products Prompribor.
  • PROMPRIBOR price list из каталога Промприбор
    PROMPRIBOR price list
  • Questionnaire on TS.TMK -N  изготовителя Промприбор
    Questionnaire on TS.TMK -N
  • Questionnaire on UUTEM марки Промприбор
    Questionnaire on UUTEM
  • Questionnaire for TMK-N30 and TMK-N130 изготовителя Промприбор
    Questionnaire for TMK-N30 and TMK-N130
  • Questionnaire for TMK-N20 (TMK-N120) в магазине Промприбор
    Questionnaire for TMK-N20 (TMK-N120)
  • TMK-N100 calculator Order Card бренда Промприбор
    TMK-N100 calculator Order Card
  • Questionnaire for flow converters завода Промприбор
    Questionnaire for flow converters
  • TMK-N130 calculator Order Card изготовителя Промприбор
    TMK-N130 calculator Order Card
  • TMK-N120 calculator Order Card на сайте Промприбор
    TMK-N120 calculator Order Card


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